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Featured realizations

From workshop lighting to lighting public buildings, our expertise in designing and implementing uniquely designed led-lighting solutions is extensive. CLP applies competitive prices. Our team of experts assist you every step of the way and guarantee quality. Because of the structure of our company, we can handle projects of various sizes. Complexity is not an issue. Discover an overview of some projects related to industrial led-lighting here. We are proud of our completed projects and look forward to realizing a lighting project with you. We are available in the Benelux and Germany.


Realizations in the

Our led-solutions integrate seamlessly with companies from different industries and with different lighting needs. Ready to shine a light on these projects?


Are you looking for sustainable and energy efficient lighting for your business or building? Contact us to further discuss your industrial LED lighting project. We will gladly help you out.

In addition to industrial led-lighting, we also offer you...